Friday, July 26, 2013


Last night, I was laying in bed listening to my husband snore... thinking it was unfair that I was awake when I had gone to bed earlier than him.

I had some great inspiration for blog posts for you, reader... the principle inspiration which I cannot now recall.  You know how frustrating that is.  So, I am writing with the intention of jarring my memory.

I do however want to tell you about a cool story.  In about a week, we are going to Texas for a missions conference that we are really looking forward to.  We are flying in a day earlier, as that was what worked best, and had intended to do a little sight seeing in San Antonio.  However, after a lot of research, calls and "customer support emails on websites", we were unable to work out a car option for a couple of days (and unable to afford renting a car for a week).

On Wednesday, I came into work with the intention of later sending an email to the mission office to see if we could, after all, hitch a ride (boo car rentals!).  But an email was already waiting for me!

It seems there was some miscommunication along the lines, but they were hoping to pick us up from the airport (not the preferred airport, mind you) with another couple who was getting in 11 minutes after us!

Awesome right?  Well, then I realized that it was the same couple that I was hoping to meet that week, because they have the same heart/mission as my friends the Swansons who are moving to Ireland as missionaries.  I had wanted to connect them to see if God would do anything with these people who share the same heart.

And whaddyaknow? 

Not only was our ride taken care of, but we're going to be an hour in the same car with the very people we wanted to connect with.

Matthew 6:8b... "for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him..."

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