A follow up to the last post about positively glorifying God in negative circumstances...
I read a book years ago called Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. She quotes something in the book that I was trying to describe to Vicente as we were headed to bed. It stemmed from the conversation of how we view what it means to glorify God.
I tried my best to remember how it was stated, and I think I succeeded... but I only got muffled "uh-huhs" and "yeah, I got it"s with big yawns for a response.
As he faded off to sleep, I decided I couldn't let it wait and did multiple google searches to get the quote I was looking for. Given my recent lapses in memory (the baby is stealing my brain), I was thankful I could remember the name Lilias Trotter.
Because I thought this was that good, here it is:
"The fair, new petals must fall, and for no visible reason. No one seems enriched by the stripping. And the first step into the realm of giving is a like surrender, not man-ward, but God-ward, an utter yielding of our best. So long as our idea of surrender is limited to the renouncing of unlawful things, we have never grasped its true meaning. That is not worthy of the name, for no polluted thing can be offered." -Lilias Trotter, Parables of the Cross
Elliot's follow up:
"Here is the crux of the matter: Until the will and affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone accept, His lordship." Elisabeth Elliot
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12:1
I hope that I can glorify God in my life and present to Him something holy and acceptable. May I not just seek to "stop sinning", but to offer Him my best as I obey following Him where He leads.
Good word.