So, in the interval between the last blog and now, so much has happened.
A couple weeks ago, my doctor put me on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. It really drives me nuts not to have anything to do. Luckily in December, I knew upcoming projects and wrote them in the months of my 2014 planner. January was so busy that though it was constantly on my mind, I was unable to get to my January Project.
End of January rolls around, I'm on bedrest and within two weeks, both January and February's projects are done (Japanese visa paperwork has been organized and sent to Japan to begin translation. Don't be fooled, this is only part one of the process-- but at least it's done!). Taxes are also ready to be filed.
Bedrest thought it could conquer me-- but I can get stuff done from the couch/bed too!
In December we finished the marathon Perspectives Course, ending in a 10 page paper about Japan. That took me back a few years-- I haven't written a paper with proper citations since college! At any rate, it was a great experience for Vicente and I. We learned a lot about missions through the course, grew together as we learned and researched a lot about Japan.
But it was nice not to have so much homework. We have a few books to read for organizations that we'll be working with, but other than that, we're done with a big bulk of the work.
Stay tuned for further articles on Japan. I hope to get back on track in time for the baby to throw off the blog again! Our apologies, but know that we are making efforts!
Blessings friends!
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